Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gorgeous Red Stove!

Where DID you find that photo of the oven you used for the header?? LOVE that awesome red Stove! Well the stove isn't exactly red but you know what I mean...:) Its not yours is it??


Felisol said...

My guess is that the stove belongs to Hilda Stahl.
Just take a look at the post where she's making the egg plant course.
1913 is engraved in the tales over the stove. I also remarked the gorgeous, thick wood bench top.
She's cutting with a sharp knife right on the top!
From Felisol

Mrs. Mac said...

Yes, the stove belongs to sister Maria. Isn't that a beauty of a vintage stove!?? She was kind to let me beg a photo off of her ;) to use for the header ... only took a little bit of whining ;) If you want to see more of her newly remodeled kitchen, check out her home restoration link in her blog's sidebar.

Maria Stahl said...

Yeah, I love my stove. :) And I talked my husband into putting 1913 into the tile since that is when the house was built.

The wood block countertops came from a bakery that went out of business. I bought a huge bakery table with a wood top 8 feet long and 2 feet wide. We cut it up to make the two butcherblock countertops to each side of the stove.